Yunycom offers a wide range of automatic, semiautomatic analyzers and reagents for laboratory use. We have everything you need to equip your lab.
› more infoYunycom has a wide arrange of automatic and manual microbiology methods by BioMerieux for clinical laboratories and industry.
› more infoYunycom offers tests for transfusion laboratories including automated tests for large systems, ELISA tests, blood bags and POCT analyzers.
› more infoYunycom presents the newest solutions for fast molecular diagnostics enabling a maximal probability of pathogen identification in a clini-cally relevant interval.
› more infoYunycom is proud to represent a Swiss company Teoxane, a renowned world brand in anti-ageing technology with their Teosyal line of products.
› more infoYunycom is a long time partner of Schiller, a leading wold manufacturer of cardio-respiratory noninvasive diagnostics and monitoring systems.
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Yunycom is a long term partner of a French company BioMerieux, a global leader in in vitro diagnostics for over 50 years. BioMerieux is responsible for many innovations in the field of in vitro diagnostics.
Yunycom is a proud, years long partner of a Japanese company Sysmex which sets new standard and leads the charge in innovations in hematology and other branches of in vitro diagnostics.

Our technical support is in charge of service and support for our equipment consisting of 9 field service engineers trained and certified by the manufacturers. At any time they respond to calls from the users and are on the field within 24 hours of the call. Yunycom wows to keep service support out of warranty according to the manufacturers recommendations and the ISO 9000 certificates. Our service is located at Free zone "Belgrade", Viline vode bb.
For storage of medical devices Yunycom has their storage sector in charge. Experienced employees are in charge of the proper storage and manufacturer recommendations. The temperature regime is followed 24h a day. The complete process of preparing, storage and distribution is electronically tracked and every aspect is synchronized with the local laws and regulations and ISO standards. Our storage facility is located at Free zone "Belgrade", Viline vode bb.
Sysmex workshop for urine and hematology analyzers
In our company headquarters we have organized multiple workshops related to urine and hematology analyzers, their principle, new capabilities as well as demonstrations of workflow on the analyzers themselves with real samples.
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